Duncan Edwards, CEO, BritishAmerican Business Responds to European Court of Justice Decision on Data Transfers
16 July 2020
Contact: Dominic Parker, Communications Manager dparker@babinc.org | 020 7290 9882 | +44 7500 115 352

Duncan Edwards
Chief Executive Officer
BritishAmerican Business
In response to the news that the European Court of Justice has invalidated the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield, BritishAmerican Business Chief Executive, Duncan Edwards said:
“Today’s decision on the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield creates a great deal of uncertainty for transatlantic businesses. The lawful flow of personal data is one of the cornerstones of the transatlantic economy across all sectors – from IT to agriculture, manufacturing to professional services.
“While taking note of the positive decision on Standard Contractual Clauses, the Privacy Shield decision will impact Small, and Medium-Sized Enterprises disproportionately, as they often lack the resources and legal expertise to navigate an uncertain landscape. Striking down the Privacy Shield also adds further complications to the uncertain future of data transfers between the UK and the EU.
“We urge the U.S. and the EU to come together and quickly find a solution to the Privacy Shield in order to provide legal clarity and allow businesses to continue their day to day operations.”