A Statement from Duncan Edwards, CEO, BritishAmerican Business on the Investigation by the United States into Digital Services Taxation
3 June 2020
Contact: Dominic Parker, Communications Manager dparker@babinc.org | 020 7290 9882 | +44 7500 115 352

Duncan Edwards
Chief Executive Officer
BritishAmerican Business
“Since we published our position on the Digital Services Tax, the world has seen dramatic changes. We’ve had large government support packages for businesses and households, which of course affect public finances and we understand that governments are looking for sources of income.
“However, now more than ever, as we look to position our economies for the post-COVID19 recovery, we need to avoid the uncertainty and fragmentation that unilateral measures risk. We were very pleased to hear that the OECD remains firmly committed to finalising a multilateral solution to this problem by the end of 2020, as planned.
“It is equally important that we do not raise additional barriers to trade and investment. Punitive tariffs under Section 301 on the United Kingdom would be detrimental to the ongoing free trade negotiations and an unnecessary obstacle to bilateral investment, at a time when we need more trade, investment, and cooperation – not less.
“We will continue to work with both governments to find a mutually agreeable solution.”