Rights for Robots: How the Law Could Protect A.I. Over Humans – An Article by Hudson McKenzie

Rights for Robots: How the Law Could Protect A.I. Over Humans The following article was kindly provided to BAB by Portia Vincent-Kirby, Legal PA & Public Relations, Hudson McKenzie   What would happen if by granting Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) a ‘legal person’ status, the law eventually took sides with an artificial creation over a human being?…

BritishAmerican Business (BAB) Statement on Announcement of Intent to Negotiate Trade Agreement with the United Kingdom by Trump Administration

BritishAmerican Business (BAB) Statement on Announcement of Intent to Negotiate Trade Agreement with the United Kingdom by Trump Administration   London/New York – On 16 October under direction from President Donald J. Trump, Robert E. Lighthizer, the United States Trade Representative (USTR) formally notified the United States Congress of the intention to negotiate a new…

Five Considerations You Need to Make When Hiring Across The Pond – An Article by Precision Global Consulting

Expanding your team into the US? 5 considerations you need to make when hiring across the pond The following article was kindly provided to BAB by Rosie Phillips, Business Development Manager, Precision Global Consulting   We share a language, similar culture, laws, political systems and the infamous ‘special relationship’: it’s no wonder that the US…