Duncan Edwards, CEO, BritishAmerican Business Responds to European Court of Justice Decision on Data Transfers

Duncan Edwards, CEO, BritishAmerican Business Responds to European Court of Justice Decision on Data Transfers 16 July 2020 Contact: Dominic Parker, Communications Manager dparker@babinc.org | 020 7290 9882 | +44 7500 115 352 Duncan Edwards Chief Executive Officer BritishAmerican Business In response to the news that the European Court of Justice has invalidated the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield,…

A Statement from Duncan Edwards, CEO, BritishAmerican Business on U.S. Visa Suspensions

A Statement from Duncan Edwards, CEO, BritishAmerican Business on U.S. Visa Suspensions 25 June 2020 Contact: Dominic Parker, Communications Manager dparker@babinc.org | 020 7290 9882 | +44 7500 115 352 Duncan Edwards Chief Executive Officer BritishAmerican Business In response to the United States extending a freeze on a range of immigration visas including H-1B, H-2B, H-4, J-1,…

A Statement from Duncan Edwards, CEO, BritishAmerican Business on the Investigation by the United States into Digital Services Taxation

A Statement from Duncan Edwards, CEO, BritishAmerican Business on the Investigation by the United States into Digital Services Taxation 3 June 2020 Contact: Dominic Parker, Communications Manager dparker@babinc.org | 020 7290 9882 | +44 7500 115 352 Duncan Edwards Chief Executive Officer BritishAmerican Business “Since we published our position on the Digital Services Tax, the world has…

A Statement from BritishAmerican Business in Response to the UK and US Completing the First Round of FTA Negotiations

A Statement from BritishAmerican Business in Response to the UK and US Completing the First Round of FTA Negotiations 18 May 2020 Contact: Dominic Parker, Communications Manager dparker@babinc.org | 020 7290 9882 | +44 7500 115 352 Our transatlantic business community is pleased to see the first round of negotiations for a UK-US Free Trade Agreement successfully…

Standing With Our Economies – A Statement from BritishAmerican Business on the COVID-19 Crisis

Standing With Our Economies A Statement from BritishAmerican Business on the COVID-19 Crisis 7 April 2020 Contact: Dominic Parker, Communications Manager dparker@babinc.org | 020 7290 9882 | +44 7500 115 352   The COVID-19 pandemic is an unprecedented moment for the transatlantic business community that we are proud to represent. This is a crisis that is impacting…

BritishAmerican Business Comments on Elimination of £30,000 Income Threshold for EU Migrants

BritishAmerican Business Comments on Elimination of £30,000 Income Threshold for EU Migrants “We welcome the news that the UK Government is considering eliminating the £30,000 income threshold for migrants from the European Union post-Brexit that were originally proposed in 2018. “This adjustment is something we have repeatedly called for to keep the UK open for…

BritishAmerican Business (BAB) Comments on Proposed Reforms to UK Immigration System

BritishAmerican Business (BAB) Comments on Proposed Reforms to UK Immigration System 13 August 2019 Contact: Dominic Parker, Communications Manager dparker@babinc.org | 020 7290 9882 | +44 7500 115 352 In response to a set of newly proposed reforms to the UK’s immigration system, Duncan Edwards, Chief Executive Officer, commented the following: “We welcome the Prime Minister’s recently…